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Writer's picture: Patricia W. BrowerPatricia W. Brower

There are many things that hinder us from achieving our full potential in life. Some things that hinder us are revealed and we know exactly what they are, and others things remain a mystery. At times we embrace the truth concerning the “demons” in our lives and at other times we choose to ignore God’s revelations as He reveals truth to us. Then there are times that we suppress the truth because of the pain. The fact still remains that we face certain detours on our Christian journey because we allow other things unnecessary access in our lives. It’s not the blatant, obvious sin in our lives that keep us hindered; it is the little foxes that spoil the vine! (see Song of Solomon 2:15 JKV)

Through the years I have made excuses for not living my full potential in Christ. I conveniently blamed my pastor, church leaders, friends, family, spouse, children anyone else I could, for not doing God’s Will. However, in order to free myself I had to come face to face with the sin that was so prevalent in my life. Trust me it is not easy to come face to face with the sin that you have suppressed for so long. When God placed my new book, “Motivated by God’s Love to Forgive”, on my heart to write it was very hard. The reason it was so hard is because I was in bondage to the sin of unforgiveness, for a very long time. Until I allowed God to heal me I was being hindered in every facet of my life. I was hindered because I was not free to forgive. When He revealed truth to me, and I was finally in a position to accept the truth, I cried out unto the Lord with an earnest plea to create in me a clean heart. I acknowledged the sin in my life and I asked God to heal me as only He can.

This book was written several years ago but I kept procrastinating getting it published. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the truth was that I still had unforgiveness in my life that had not been dealt with! God’s Word teaches us that we must forgive. Today is the day for you to embrace the freedom of forgiveness. It is my prayer that as you read this book, the love of God will motivate you to acknowledge your sin, let go of the past that has held you bound for so long. My sincere desire for you is that you will be motivated by God’s love to move on even when the pain is so real and precise. May God’s love assure and comfort you as you truly forgive, denouncing the revengeful and evil thoughts that constantly plague your mind. God’s love will motivate you to enjoy the freedom that forgiveness brings. You must refuse to be bound again, enslaved to torment and fear. Allow God’s love to motivate you to accept His healing as only He can heal. Healing comes in many ways accept the healing God has for you! Don’t allow a closed mind to hinder you from receiving all that God’s wants for you to have. It is my prayer that God will use this book as a tool to reach you at your place of need, may you be free to walk in the restoration of new life that true forgiveness yields.


Writer's picture: Patricia W. BrowerPatricia W. Brower

No place for idol gods in our lives.

Exodus 20:3 - Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

When we think of idol gods the first thing that comes to mind is worshipping a bronze statute, or chanting, or some other ritual associated with idol worship. Our minds never focus on the things we hold dear to our hearts and often put before God.

The Bible declares God is a jealous God. He will not tolerate anything or anyone stealing His glory. He commanded that we should not have any other gods before Him. The reality is we can make anything an idol, and begin to worship it. How do you know when you start worshipping other things? Easily, because it interferes with your service to God, some people worship their possessions. They cannot pause long enough to go to the house of the Lord because they must stay at home and spend time with their possessions. It may be a money, house, car, clothing, furniture, relationships etc.

An idol god is anything that causes you separation from God, and it consumes most of your time. An idol god is anything you place before God or take the place of God in your life. An idol god is anything you feel you cannot give up if God requires you to give it up. Material possessions will pass away one day. The only security we have is in God and the gift of eternal life that He promised to those who believe.

God has blessed us with things to enjoy on this earth. It was not His intent for us to fall in love with the things of the world. Nothing should take the place of God in our lives. A good test to take to see if you are worshipping things is, if God suddenly asked you to give it up could you? If we are holding on to earthly possessions we must pray diligently and ask God to remove that hindrance from our lives. Ask God to reveal the things you have made into an idol in your life. Nothing is more important than our everlasting covenant with God. 

Deuteronomy 4:24 - For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God

Writer's picture: Patricia W. BrowerPatricia W. Brower

God is our refuge and our strength a very present help in trouble Psalm 46:1. We do not have to struggle with anything in our lives we can surrender totally to God.

This poem is a personal reflection of my years of holding on to unhealthily situations, relationships, and strongholds in my life.

I made the wrong assumption that I could not surrender them totally to God! Through my healing, I learned that once I was tired of going through the struggle, I discovered that God was waiting all the time for me to commit my will to Him completely. You too can make the choice to stop struggling and surrender! 

I’m Tired of the Struggle

The stronghold in my life prevents me from accessing you;

The flesh craves satisfaction, and the desire haunts me too.

Why can’t I escape the one thing that holds me down?

It keeps my life off balance, it surfaces when no one’s around.

Like an eagle that doesn’t realize his potential to soar high,

I too neglect the power I have; I give into the lie,

I know God is mighty. He will deliver if I allow Him too.

I feel trapped inside a box. I don’t know what to do.

I am tired of the struggle; I am tired of the pain;

When I yield to temptation, what have I really gained?

Paul spoke of a distraction, a thorn in his flesh;

It’s amazing how certain things keep you from success.

I want true deliverance, not a temporary fix;

I’m tired of the struggle; I am tired of Satan’s tricks.

It’s hard to see beyond where I am;

I’m tired of the disappointments of letting myself down.

I want to be happy, experience peace, the long and lasting kind,

So why do I allow this stronghold to continually attack my mind?

The outer-court experience is not fulfilling my need,

Especially when the inner court is where I long to be.

God, please help me overcome because only You can;

No one else can deliver me, so I will not trust in man.

-Patricia Brower

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